Masque for Beautiful Color

415,00 kr
Fra Oribe

Beskyt og forstærk din hårfarve mod de skadelige virkninger af UV med Oribes nærende maske.

Indeholder vandmelonekstrakt, vildt mangosmør og edelweiss-blomstekstrakt som plejer og styrker, mens bioflavonoider forhindrer falmning og misfarvning. Brug en gang om ugen for at holde dine lokker sunde og blanke.

  • Perfekt til dig med farvebehandlet hår eller som bruger meget tid i solen -Solsikkefrøekstrakt og Kaempferia Galanga rodekstrakt beskytter mod UV
  • Farve- og keratinbehandling sikker
  • Fri for parabener og natriumklorid

Oribe Signature Complex (Watermelon, Lychee and Edelweiss Flower) defends hair from oxidative stress, photoaging and the deterioration of natural keratin all while protecting from the drying, damaging and color-depleting effects of the elements.
Bioflavonoids, responsible for giving fruits their fantastic hues, protect hair's own color from fading and discoloration.
Phytoceramides provide enhanced color protection and smooth the hair shaft to enhance shine.
Wild Mango Butter provides bio-conditioning, especially recommended for fortifying color-treated hair.
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein strengthens damaged hair and protects the surface of the hair shaft while penetrating the cortex to provide anti-aging benefits, maintain hair strength and prevent UV degradation.
Ginger Root Extract softens and strengthens hair from root to tip.
Natural Sunflower and Moringa Seed Oils provide natural protection against the color-depleting, drying and damaging effects of the sun's rays.
Specialty Conditioning Agents coat the hair shaft to add moisture and protect against color fade from sunlight.

Efter shampoo skal du massere ind og lade det absorbere i 5 til 10 minutter. Skyl grundigt. Brug en gang om ugen for de bedste resultater